57 research outputs found

    Pemetaan tembang dolanan sebagai karya sastra lisan siswa sekolah dasar di Karesidenan Madiun

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    Tembang dolanan termasuk dalam sastra lisan Jawa yang masuk dalam katagori nyanyian rakyat. Dalam lirik tembang dolanan, selain mengandung tema permainan yang sesuai dengan perkembangan jiwa anak juga mengandung ajaran dan nilai luhur. Tembang dolanan juga bersifat unik, didaktis, dan sosial. Unik di sini artinya bahwa tembang dolanan berbeda dengan bentuk lagu/tembang Jawa yang lain. Pun dengan tembang dolanan yang dikenal di Karesidenan Madiun, berbeda dengan tembang dolanan di kawasan timur dari provinsi Jawa Timur walaupun sama-sama terletak di provinsi yang sama. Perbedaan inilah yang akan dipetakan, khususnya tembang dolanan yang ada di Karesidenan Madiun yang berdekatan dengan Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang notabene menjadi pusat perkembangan sastra Jawa

    Implementation of the Student Facilitator and Explaining Model in Learning Skills of Reading Skills in SD

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the implementation of the Student Facilitator Model and Explaining learning model through the media of illustrated story books in improving initial reading skills for first grade students of SDN 01 Taman Kota Madiun 2018/2019 Academic Year. This research includes descriptive qualitative research. By using the phenomenology approach. Data collection techniques are based on data sources, namely RPP, syllabus, observation, interviews. Closed questionnaire. Documentation. The data analysis technique used is the data analysis model of Miles and Huberman. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that in the Implementation of the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model using media illustrated storybooks in Indonesian language lessons are innovative. Based on the results of interviews, documentation, observation and giving questionnaires. Student responses are categorized as good, students' enthusiasm in learning Indonesian language lessons is increasing. Students become fond of learning and student collaboration is also formed in group activities so as to be able to foster a positive attitude towards students in their social interactions


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    This study attempted to describe the forms of Javanese language development through campursari songs based on Ferguson’s language planning theory. This study used a descriptive qualitative design where the data were collected with the documentation method, that was to collect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences from campursari song lyrics containing elements of development. Data analysis was performed using sharing method with substitution techniques. The results of the analysis showed that the Javanese language development was divided into two forms. The first form was graphization through the establishment of pronunciation and spelling by intensifying Latin words to write either vocal or consonant Javanese words in texts. The second form was modernization through lexicon extension where the Javanese language underwent a shift in the use of old terms and language extensification that was marked by the emergence of novel words or terms. The Javanese language development forms were affected by some factors, including the development of the Javanese society social life as well as the Indonesian language intervention and integration. This has become part of shared agreement to maintain the Javanese language existence both in the present and for the future.


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    Upaya untuk mengatasi masalah rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia sudah banyak dilakukan, dan upaya pokoknya adalah pada pembaruan kurikulum. Sebagai usaha terencana, pembaruan kurikulum tentulah didasari oleh alasan yang jelas dan substantif serta mengarah pada terwujudnya sosok kurikulum yang lebih baik. Hal itu juga diharapkan ada pada kuriku- lum terbaru dengan beranekaragam nama, yakni Kurikulum Nasional, kurikulum berbasis daerah masing-masing, dan kurikulum sekolah. Diversifikasi kurikulum ini sejalan dengan pasal 36 dan 37 UU 20/2013 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Dengan proses desentralisasi pendidikan yang melibatkan peran serta masyarakat mengisyaratkan pengakuan terhadap manusia Indonesia dan masyarakat setempat. Dengan sendirinya paradigma baru pun mulai mengacu pada pendidi- kan kebhinekaan yaitu mengakui adanya kebudayaan beragam dalam suatu masyarakat yang tetap dalam kesatuan ”Bhineka Tunggal Ika”. Kata kunci: kurikulum, pendidikan nasional, pendidikan kebhinekaan, multibudaya

    Perkembangan Pemanfaatan Lingkungan Geografis dalam Lirik Lagu Campursari: Perspektif Ekolinguistik

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    Lirik lagu campusari menarik untuk dikaji karena mengandung banyak, seperti nilai sejarah, topografi, dan perkembangan budaya masyarakat Jawa. Sampai saat ini, belum ada ulasan mendalam tentang lirik lagu campursari berdasakan teori ekolinguistik. Untuk itu, penelitian ini berupaya mendeskripsikan bentuk perkembangan manifestasi ekologi dan budaya yang terkandung dalam lirik campursari. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data dengan studi dokumentasi, yaitu mengumpulkan kata, frasa, klausa, dan kalimat dalam lirik lagu campursari yang mengandung unsur ekolinguistik. Adapun prosedur pengumpulan datanya dengan menghimpun lirik-lirik lagu campursari dari berbagai versi, dengan menyimak lagu-lagu berbahasa Jawa, kemudian menranskripsi dengan mencatat liriknya. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan metode agih yang menggunakan teknik substitusi atau teknik ganti. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa bentuk penggambaran kondisi alam lingkungan dalam lirik campursari mengalami pergeseran ataupun perkembangan. Jika awalnya suatu wilayah digambarkan dengan lugas dan tegas tentang cerita sejarah yang penuh dengan nilai patriotik, kemudian bergeser ke arah penggambaran kisah romantik atau tragis dari cerita cinta anak muda yang terjadi di wilayah tersebut tanpa ada unsur sejarah sedikitpun.


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    Abstrak: Sebagian siswa menganggap Bahasa Jawa adalah mata pelajaran yang sulit, terutama pada materi menulis dan membaca Aksara Jawa. Sebagian besar siswa sekolah dasar mengeluhkan sulit menulis Aksara Jawa beserta pasangan dan sandhangannya karena memiliki aturan yang rumit dan memiliki kemiripan di setiap aksara. Hal itu menyebabkan prestasi belajar Bahasa Jawa pada materi Aksara Jawa masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan model Teams Games Tournament berbantuan Teka-teki Silang aksara Jawa terhadap prestasi belajar Bahasa Jawa kelas IV. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen yang dilaksanakan di kelas IV. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data berupa studi dokumen dan tes. Populasi dari penelitian ini sebanyak 61 siswa kelas IV, dan sampel sebanyak 30 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen. Instrumen penelitian ini berupa soal tes dan seperangkat pembelajaran. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan t-test. Hasil dari penelitian eksperimen ini menyatakan bahwa nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol dibuktikan dengan hasil thitung (3,458)> ttabel (2,001) sehingga model Teams Games Tournament berbantuan Teka-teki Silang aksara Jawa efektif terhadap prestasi belajar Bahasa Jawa kelas IV SDN Patihan Kota Madiun.  Abstract:  Some students think that Javanese is a difficult subject, especially in the material of writing and reading Javanese script. Most elementary school students complain that it is difficult to write Javanese script along with its partners and articles because it has complicated rules and has similarities in each script. This causes the learning achievement of Javanese language in Javanese script material is still low. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Teams Games Tournament model assisted by the crossword puzzle Javanese text on the learning achievement of the fourth grade Javanese language at SDN Patihan Madiun. This research is an experimental quantitative study carried out in class IV of SDN Patihan Madiun. Collecting data with the form of study documents and tests. The population of this study was 61 students in class IV, and a sample of 30 students as an experimental class. The research instrument was in the form of test questions and a set of learning. Data were analyzed quantitatively by t-test. The results of this experimental study stated that the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class as evidenced by the results of tcount > ttable so that the Teams Games Tournament model assisted by the crossword puzzle Javanese text was effective in the learning achievement of the fourth grade Javanese SDN Patihan Madiun


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    Learning paramasastra (grammar), especially paramasastra Java, in the SBC between two poles. On the one hand, learning grammar is important to determine how the students' understanding of the Java language, on the other hand grammar learning integrable in four aspects already existing skills in the curriculum. Determination of the polemical stance in the face of an important thing to do, so that the teacher can determine the approach to be used in learning. Keywords: approach, learning, paramasastra, the Java languag

    SQ3R Techniques with Let's Read Application for Improvement of Reading Comprehension in Low Class Elementary Students

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the planning, process, student responses and the obstacles faced in the application of the SQ3R method with illustrated story media in learning reading comprehension for fourth grade elementary school students. This research is a qualitative descriptive study which was conducted in the fourth grade of SDN 03 Baosan Lor, Ponorogo with a total of 31 students. The methods of data collection were observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis uses the Milles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that lesson plans such as syllabus, lesson plans and media are well structured and planned. The learning process creates an effective atmosphere, runs smoothly and pleasantly, students respond to learning with a very positive response, and the obstacles faced are less than optimal time allocation, and there are 2-3 students who have difficulty in following the learning stage because they are still confused and do not understand. pay attention to the teacher during the learning process


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    pology is typically done when someone made a mistidake. In Javanese speech community, apologized tend declared first even though it is spoken or done is not necessarily wrong. This research focus on form of apology speech acts in the Javanese community in the Beringin Village, District Lakarsantri, Surabaya. To explain the focus, the researcher used descriptive-qualitative with ethnopragmtic design. Data are collected from 46 subjects by observation and indepth interviews. Data are analizd using Miles and Huberman’s flow model covering three steps: reduction, display, and verivication/concluison. The results showed that the form says to apologize distinguished by mode and components.  ABSTRAKPermintaan maaf lazimnya dilakukan seseorang jika melakukan kesalahan. Pada masyarakat tutur bahasa Jawa, meminta maaf cenderung dinyatidakan terlebih dahulu meskipun sebenarnya hal yang dituturkan atau dilakukannya belum tentu salah. Fokus penelitian ini adalah bentuk tindak tutur meminta maaf pada masyarakat Jawa di wilayah Kelurahan Beringin, Kecamatan Lakarsantri, Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan etnopragmatik. Data penelitian diperoleh dari 46 subjek penelitian melalui observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis data dilakukan dengan model alir yang di dalamnya terdapat reduksi, sajian, verifikasi, dan penyimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk tutur untuk meminta maaf dibedakan berdasarkan modus dan komponennya


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    This research aims to develop interactive multimedia-based instructional media in order to improve students' listening and reading skills. This research refers to the development of 4-D method. 33 test subjects as children. Validation of research instruments are sheets, observation sheets, questionnaires, and learning tests. Data collection techniques used validation and observation techniques. Techniques of data analysis used qualitative descriptive data. Lesson plan results demonstrate feasibility can be trusted with a good reliability of the instrument category. The observation of student activity meets the criteria specified limits effectiveness. Based on the questionnaire responses of students, learning with interactive CD was interesting. Student learning outcomes showed positive development. Thus, the products developed have been effective.  
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